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Resume Station

If you don't already have a resume, you've come to the right place! Here are some examples of what a professional resume looks like as well as a blank template you can use to fill out on your own!

(Pages and Word)


If you need help printing it on Monday, let us know and we will help you before auditions begin.


• No one is guaranteed a role. Anyone who does not land a role will be heavily included in the ensemble numbers.

• We will base casting not only on talent and natural ability, but also personal integrity and character, punctuality, godly leadership among peers, and responsibility with homework. We have already been and will continue to be watching for all of these leading up to audition day!

• You must choose your material from what is provided here.

• If you have specific questions, please reach out to Mrs. G directly.

• Must be off book of all monologues and ensemble song.


• Guaranteed a role in the ensemble (singing, dancing, and background acting)

• Not guaranteed to be cast in a supporting/lead role.

• Allowed to participate and 'mock-audition' (afterwards, would receive feedback to help prepare them for auditioning in the future).

SCHEDULE FOR AUDITION DAY - If participating in mock-auditions, prepare to be there for full class time 4-7pm. In the past, auditions have taken up the entire class time.

• Material for mock audition:

• Monologue: Use the one you chose in class weeks ago or choose a character monologue from available sides.

• Song: Ensemble song or "Happy Birthday"

Audition Day: Monday, November 4, 2024 (4-7pm)

PLEASE NOTE: We will be holding auditions on a first come, first in basis. Meaning everyone has the same call time. When you come in, you will sign in at the kiosk and wait to audition in order of sign in. We encourage you to come early and be prepared!

We will be playing the tracks for you in the audition room.

What to Wear: Nice clothes (A nice solid color blouse or collared shirt and nice jeans will work with your dressiest closed toe shoes.)

• Ladies, dresses or skirts are fine to wear. Just be sure to wear bike shorts or leggings underneath. If you already have character shoes, please wear them. Makeup is not required, but if you want to wear light stage makeup to enhance your natural features, that is allowed.

• Everyone, please make sure you wear no jewelry (small earrings allowed), bulky or distracting accessories, and that your hair is pulled back out of your faces.

PRO TIP: Some actors prefer to dress in normal clothes but ‘inspired’ by the character they are reading for. This is absolutely allowed, just please be sure your outfit meets the above guidelines.

What You Need to Bring:

• Resumé and 8x10 Printed Headshot in a folder (Not required to be on photo paper)
• Printed version of your side with you - just in case you need a peek to refresh your memory while you’re waiting
• Water bottle
• Something to do while you wait (especially in case we ask you to stay for a chemistry read!)
If you have any dance shoes, be sure to bring them along with you.


Prince Dauntless (Male) • Role: Lead • A handsome, young prince who desperately wants to get married, but is prevented by his mother's strict tests that she gives to all potential candidates.

Minstrel (Male) • Role: Supporting • The charismatic narrator of the story who joins forces with the Jester to thwart the Queen's plans.

Jester (Male) • Role: Supporting • An energetic and peppy right-hand man to the King who assists him with every endeavor. The Jester also plots with the Minstrel to spoil the Queen's plans.

Queen Aggravain (Female) • Role: Lead • The loud, talkative woman who really rules the country. She schemes and plots with the help of the Royal Advisor to keep her son, Prince Dauntless, from getting married.

King (Male) • Role: Supporting • A kind, expressive, and playful man who is silent due to a curse placed upon him before the birth of Dauntless. He desires to see his son marry and for the curse on him to be broken so he can restore order and sanity to his kingdom.

Lady Larken (Female) • Role: Supporting • A beautiful woman who desperately wants to marry Sir Harry because she loves him deeply. She tries to flee the Kingdom after having an argument with Sir Harry, but is convinced by Winnifred to stay and work things out with

Royal Advisor (Male or Female) • Role: Supporting • The egotistical, ex-performer who directly serves the Queen and helps her develop unfair tests that ‘seem fair’ in order to keep any princess from marrying Prince Dauntless.

Princess Winnifred the Woebegone (Female) • Role: Lead • An outspoken, strong, and optimistic princess from the swamp lands. She also wants to get married, but must first pass the Queen's unfair test.

Sir Harry (Male) • Role: Supporting • The macho, romantic knight who decides to leave the kingdom to search for a genuine princess to please both the Queen and the Prince since he cannot marry Lady Larken until Prince Dauntless has found a suitable bride.

OTHER CHARACTERS: for all below listed characters, please choose a monologue from the above options.

Princess #12 (Female) • Role: Cameo • A ditsy princess who fails the Queen’s test of a seemingly unfair trivia question and is sent away.

Lady Lucille (Female) • Role: Cameo • A lady-in-waiting who sees right through the Queen’s ‘fair’ tests of every princess and isn’t afraid to speak her mind… just maybe not very loudly.

Lady Rowena (Female) • Role: Cameo • A lady-in-waiting who feels strongly that the Queen’s tests are “absurd” and is willing to say as much! She finds Princess Winnifred intriguing and is happy to help her in any way she can.

Beatrice (Female) • Role: Cameo • Dance: Advanced • A member of the court who dances a quick and tricky version of the “Spanish Panic” dance with Harold at the Queen’s ball to welcome Princess Winnifred.

Harold (Male) • Role: Cameo • Dance: Advanced • A member of the court who dances a quick and tricky version of the “Spanish Panic” dance with Beatrice at the Queen’s ball to welcome Princess Winnifred.

Monologue & Sheet Music:


All song clips and sheet music PDFs are listed on Google Drive.

Every actor/actress must perform all song clips listed with their chosen character.

Make sure to follow the lyrics on each sheet music page closely as this is what you'll actually be singing (if the audio track is different,

follow the sheet music.)

Prince • "Song of Love" | "The Swamps of Home"

Princess • "Shy" | "The Swamps of Home" | "Happily Ever After"

Minstrel • "The Minstrel, The Jester, and I" | "Many Moons Ago"

Jester • "The Minstrel, The Jester, and I" | "Many Moons Ago"

Queen • "Sensitivity" | "Many Moons Ago"

Lady Larkin • "Happily Ever After" | "Yesterday I Loved You"

Lady Lucille • "Happily Ever After" | "Many Moons Ago"

Lady Rowena • "Happily Ever After" | "Many Moons Ago"

Sir Harry • "Yesterday I Loved You" | "Many Moons Ago"

King • "Many Moons Ago"

Royal Advisor • "Many Moons Ago"

All other characters • "Many Moons Ago"

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